Blogging for Beginners, by a Beginner

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It’s been over a year now since I started blogging and I am loving the journey so far. Telling you about the books I read and other literary stuff I find interesting is a cathartic process. What speech cannot fully convey, my blog posts will! To reach this comfortable stage of mere writing and posting, I had to plan and research extensively initially, eventually finding the balance that felt just right. I still have to stay updated on any changes in my hosting platform and also remember a few pointers that help me to create content. 

Though each amateur blogger has a game plan, here are a few of the methods I used to start my blog from scratch. This is just a compilation of one amateur’s ground rules; feel free to customise it according to your needs.

About blogs and blogging

1. My experience with software

There are many options out there for a blogger and I can’t describe fully my despair while skimming through dozens of videos and articles which claim to help bloggers. For a not-so-tech-savvy person, I feel as comfortable about using intricate software as I do about gulping cod liver oil. I was unprepared to see the plethora of confusing configurations as I tried out platforms like, and Wix, until I tried Blogger. It was one of the simplest I found and I am reluctant to try out another one. Other platforms were incredibly labyrinthine and the free package they provided looked generic. On the other hand, Blogger allows you to easily design a better interface, free of cost. 

When I say one of the simplest, I must include Tumblr. Tumblr is a good space especially if you want to promote your blog hosted by a different platform. I feel like the popularity of Tumblr is on the wane, but still, even a few views can help.

Not all Blogger themes are great, and it does take some work to finally settle on the colour scheme and layout. Another bummer is that readers can no longer subscribe to blogs hosted by Blogger; the FeedBurner email subscription service is now disabled. These shortcomings don't bother me, but they can be a deal-breaker for some.

2. Regular content counts

The secret of every successful blogger could be this: consistency. Posting regularly is a sort of signal to the web that your blog is something worth looking at. A reader may come back again with more friends if they like your content and know that they can look forward to new posts. As you get more consistent in blogging, you can see the gradual upward trend in your blog’s viewership.

3. Promote your content; it’s as important as writing them 

If you plan on making your blog a hit, spend at least a few minutes each day posting links and excerpts from your blog posts on social media. Twitter, Tumblr and Pinterest are good options. If you’re a book blogger like me, you might find it helpful to review books on book-reviewing sites and provide links to your original post. I’m sure other blogs could do this too! Your social media followers can greatly contribute to expanding your viewer base.

4. Don’t just stick to one type of post, diversify! 

Your blog is a way for you to interest people in your passion. Even then, posting the same type of posts all the time makes your blog interface monotonous. Rather than limiting your posts to only one kind, you could occasionally post things that are related to your blog, such as video links, memes, photographs and quotes. Doing this can brighten things and persuade your viewers to visit often.

5. Reader-optimised fonts and colours

One major factor that determines the popularity of a blog is how it looks. An aesthetically pleasing interface designed with care tells a reader that your blog means business. Once I settled on a hosting platform, my priority was to create a theme that would exude calm. After settling on the colour schemes and layout of your posts and widgets, take your time to go through different fonts. I recommend having a friend or family member give their opinion on the result. Aim to make your blog memorable, not run-of-the-mill!

About posts and writing

1. Write in advance

It’s hard to keep a steady pace when you have studies, work or other commitments to think about. When I know that I have a long task ahead that will leave me no time for writing, I spend extra time writing articles in advance. This is easier to do when you get into ‘The Writing Mode’. Use all your energy to churn out those articles; it’s convenient to have a few posts at hand, ready for the web.

2. Pay attention to spelling and grammar

Typos and grammos are the banes of any website. While you may be writing your first draft haphazardly at lightning speed, make sure that you thoroughly vet your final draft before posting it. If you use a word editing programme like Google Docs or Microsoft Word, check the preview option given in your blogging platform to ensure that the font and the alignments come out the way you want them to. 

3. Jot down quotes that strike you

Every day, you may come across quotes and ideas that grab your attention. It could be from books, poetry, news and social media posts. Don’t read and ignore if you felt moved by them. Instead, keep a handy notebook or word document reserved for those little gems. Incorporate them into your blog to catch the roving eye of a reader and perhaps inspire them as well!

And finally

No writer is spared the dreaded fog that clouds the imagination, eventually leaving you clueless about what to write. Every writer copes with this in different ways; perhaps my methods might be of use to you:

1. Step away for as long as you need to get a better perspective. Even if the confusion doesn’t clear up, take it as a cue to change the topic and try anew.

2. Read up on subjects that deal with your chosen topic, or read something unrelated. Inspiration often strikes in the weirdest of ways.

3. If you’re time-bound and racking for words that never come, it could help to write down whatever nonsense that comes to you, give it a once-over and see if there’s something you can glean from your mad scribblings. 

If you plan on making blogging your career or are just dabbling in it for fun, don’t push yourself so hard that you end up hating what you once enjoyed. À bientôt, and comment below to tell me what you would do to make your blog a hit!


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