Introducing the BookGurus!

Today's post is rather special; joining us today on The Seaside Library are book bloggers Saloni Porwal and Vibhiksha Yadav! Saloni and Vibhiksha write book reviews and other enticing articles for their blog, BookGuru. Read on to know more about them and how their brainchild came to be!

Tell me more about the three of you. How did you come upon the idea of creating a book blog? 

Saloni- I started writing a book in 2020, but I didn’t plan properly and I couldn’t write as well as I wanted to. I have always been a bookworm and since I knew a little about blogging, I decided to start a blog and post book reviews so that I could practise writing. I didn’t think it would grow so much back then. 

Vibhiksha- I got into reading because of Saloni and when she started a blog, I started helping her at first and then became a part of the blog. 

How was your initial blogging experience? 

Saloni- Initially, I was doing it just for fun. I didn’t intend for it to have actual viewers. I didn’t even know that there were others with book blogs or have any idea about Goodreads. It was pretty rough in the beginning, but I absolutely loved every moment of it. 

Vibhiksha- It was a bit boring in the beginning. There were a lot of technical issues that I hadn’t expected. I didn’t expect to have any actual viewers. But later, when our blog grew bigger with lots of views, I was happy that I made the decision of doing the hard work. 

What do you love the most about blogging? 

Saloni- I love clicking publish after writing a blog post and then waiting for the comments and views. They don’t always come, but when they do, it’s nice knowing that there is someone who is interested in knowing that people want to read what I write.

Is it difficult to balance blogging and academics? 

Saloni- I am not the type who is very concerned about studies or school, but I get easily distracted too. It took some time, but I think I have found the right balance between school and blogging now. 

Vibhiksha- I am concerned about studies but I am not very productive and procrastinate a lot so I still think I need a while to figure out the balance. 

Which is your most popular post to date? 

The most popular book review is that of Remember Me? by Sophie Kinsella, and the most viewed page is Scientifically Proven Reasons to Read Books. 

What advice would you give to someone just starting their blogging journey? 

Saloni- Stay patient and post regularly. I am not an expert in blogging, but from my short experience, I have learnt that these two things are key if you want to build a loyal audience. 

Vibhiksha- You should post consistently, don’t give up and pay more attention to the content. These are a few tips that will help you with your blog. 

Do you like getting books online or taking your time to choose them from bookstores? 

Saloni- I rarely shop online. As most readers would know, books are very expensive when you buy them online. All the more unaffordable abroad. I don’t go to bookstores that often either, but I visit my local library once a month. I don’t spend too long choosing them either, because there’s no fear of wasting money in libraries. 

Vibhiksha- I normally don’t buy books. I prefer reading e-books. 

What do you look for in a book before reading it? 

Vibhiksha- I normally look into the genre and the author. There are a few authors whose writing style is hard to understand. I also look at the synopsis at the back of the book or research about the book online. 

Franz Kafka said, "A book must be like an axe for the frozen sea within you." Have you come across a book like that? 

Saloni- Many, actually, but the most recent book which had that effect on me was Tangled Secrets. Sometimes, books are so well written that you feel as if you are the main character and the connection you feel with them is so strong that you deeply understand their pain as if it happens to you. 

Which is your favourite genre of books? 

Saloni- In the last few months, I have been reading a lot of contemporary, and it is currently my favourite genre. 

Vibhiksha- I like a lot of genres which makes it hard to choose one. I really love contemporary, thriller and humour. 

Is there an autobiography or biography that inspired you immensely? 

Saloni- Arunima Sinha’s autobiography- Born Again on the Mountain, and Mary Kom’s book- Unbreakable will always have a special place in my heart (and my bookshelf). 

Have you ever found a character who is your near-perfect replica? 

Saloni- Not yet. I don’t think I will find a character quite similar to me, but I love seeing a bit of myself in every single character. 

Vibhiksha- I haven’t found a character yet but I hope I will soon. 

Do you prefer paperbacks/hardbacks, ebooks or audiobooks? 

Saloni- Paperbacks always. 

Vibhiksha- ebooks. 

Are you a die-hard fan of any series? According to you, what sets these books apart from the others you have read? 

Saloni- There are many series that I have loved and I hated knowing that I was reading the last book in the series, but my favourites are Malory Towers and St. Clare’s. I was too obsessed with Enid Blyton a few years back, and though she has written many series, I think these are her best works. All the books have a simple and engaging plot and the characters have always been relatable. I can go on about these books, but I’ll just say that they are not as appreciated as they deserve to be. 

Vibhiksha- I was in love with The Dork Diaries and Nancy Drew a few years back but right now, I love the Aristotle and Dante series.

How long can you go without reading a book? 

Saloni- Not very long. I usually read at least one book per month. If I don’t have a new book around me, I reread old ones. 

Vibhiksha- Since I am a new reader, I can go for about a month but not too long. 

Are there any quotes or verses of poetry that resonate with you? 

Saloni- Yes. There's a quote that goes ‘Books are always better than people.’ I don’t know who it is by, but every avid reader should be able to relate. 

Do you have a message for our readers?

Don’t feel left out because of a different reading taste. After all, it is the books that we read that shape our personality and make us unique. There’s always a place for you in the world of books no matter what kind of a reader you are. And if you are a new reader, welcome to the world of books.

Saloni and Vibhiksha, thanks for this enjoyable conversation and our readers and I will be tuned to your blog for more reviews. We aren't done yet, though! Click here to read their interview of me which they have posted on their blog. Comment below to tell us what you think of this post!


  1. Awesome Tan 🤩🤩

  2. It was great getting to know you and your growing blog, Tania! Loved every moment of the experience.

    1. Thanks! You too, Saloni. Wishing you and BookGuru the best!

  3. Thoroughly enjoyed the interview. So good to know that you young awesome people discovered the joy of reading early in life, especially in the current day scenario where many youngsters are hooked to their mobile phones and OTT platforms.


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