Uncle Dynamite

Author: PG Wodehouse Acquired in: April 2019 Amazon adventurer William Oakshott hiding from a reception committee while Uncle Fred looks out. The dread of his nephew, the terror of his classmates and the man who changes tranquillity into calamity, behold, Uncle Fred! The readers' favourite but the characters' plague, Lord Ickenham or Uncle Fred sets off on his latest escapade at the idyllic Ashendon Manor to help his bungling nephew, Pongo Twistleton on his mission to woo his lady-love and placate her Grinch of a father. And that's all there is to the plot! With such a simple storyline, Wodehouse takes us for a ride; a foiled jewel smuggling attempt, a shy explorer, a clash of identities, an honest policeman's misadventures and a generous dollop of matchmaking. Or to put it in Wodehouse fashion, "the joining of sundered hearts". Wodehouse’s books are very provincial; all of the ones I’ve read so far are set in remote peerages far from the bustle of London. Re...