
Showing posts from October, 2020

The Bluest Eye

Author: Toni Morrison                             Acquired in: May 2020 What does comparison mean? Isn't it looking at people or things and finding out what is different? Often, we compare ourselves with people who have attained what we desire. But, there might be another kind which we don't often think about because comparing is so natural to us it's part of our subconscious. People look at those worse off than themselves, sighing with relief because they have more- more wealth, more comfort, more food, more beauty. Wait. What goes on in the 'worse-off' person's mind when they are being looked down upon so that others can feel better? It's not easy to say. You have to be them to know that.  The story which takes place in Ohio during the Great Depression is through the perspective of a  little black girl named Claudia MacTeer as well as of a third person. It details the social structure of those times, where an unspoken hierarchy existed; at the bottom of th