Aunts Aren't Gentlemen

Author: PG Wodehouse Acquired in: May 2020 During these times where the state of mind alternates between horrified to bottomless boredom, the wise words of Mary Poppins come to mind- A spoonful of sugar makes the medicine (a.k.a. isolation) go down. If you are scouting for books to read during this far-from-relaxing holiday, Wodehouse is the ultimate pick-me-up (other than ice cream of course). Wodehouse wrote many stories, broadly divided into the Jeeves series, Blandings Castle series and quite a few short stories. The book Aunts' Aren't Gentlemen comes under the weighty clan of Wooster and Jeeves. Bertram or Bertie Wooster is an affluent and rather feather-headed young man making most of the sunny days of youth in London. Whenever ominous clouds loom on the horizon, his trusty right-hand man, Jeeves, comes to his aid, accompanied by an appropriate quotation by some great dramatist, often Shakespeare or Keats. On such a fine day, he discovers pink spots on his ches...